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This study aims to determine the attack rate and population density of the paddy bug (Leptocorisa sp). The method used in this research is purposive sampling. The results showed that the intensity of damage caused by paddy bugs in Tanah Miring District was 13.78%. The highest average population density was in Waninggap Miraf 46.6 individuals, Yasamulya and Isanombias villages 44.33, Yabamaru 38.6, Bersehati 38.3 and the lowest Ammunay 30. While the average population in each observation was the second observation or 55 DAP as many as 46.4 tails followed by observations 1 or 45 DAP as many as 37.4 and the last observation or 65 DAP at 29.8 individuals. The type of variety that was most favored by the paddy bug was impari 19.75% and the one that pandanus did not like.


Attack rate, population density, paddy bug, paddy

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