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Posyandu represent one of existing the enableness socialize most health area applied in social activities these days. Lansia represent the part of society which also require health service which with quality and can give satisfaction, as does the health service at posyandu lansia. The research to know picture mount satisfaction to service of health Posyandu in region work Puskesmas Mamboro in the year 2008. The research use type is descriptive. Technique of intake by consecutive sampling. The analysis use univariat and analyse tables traverse. Research result indicate that unfavourable nurse attitude and dissatisfy to health service to Posyandu Lansia of equal to 57,7% if compared to statement of good nurse attitude and satisfy to health service equal to 64,3%. But that way, in the case of unfavourable nurse service and dissatisfy to higher service that is 60% compared to nurses service expressing goodness and satisfy equal to 56,8%.

Key words: Satisfaction Lansia, Health Service, Posyandu.

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