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Merkury is heavy metal which is toxic, So, it can damage ecosystem, ecology and environment, also give negative affect for health giving rise to disease. East Palu in Central Sulawesi there are some people that gold miners use mercury to extract gold, then discard mercury waste in the environment. Resulting in soil ant water around the village Poboya polluted. Mercury resistant bacteriahaveoperon meris ususally cotained in plasmid. This study aims to determine the type of bacteria that live in the area of gold mining village drum Poboya Central Sulawesi Province and to know the optimum HgCl2concentration on bacterial growth. Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Lactobacillus sp. can only grow at a HgCl2 concentration 7,5 g/L. Proteus vulgaris grow at HgCl2 concentration 15 g/L Enterobacter agglomerans bacteria able to grow HgCl2 concentration at 22,5 g/L. Enterobacter hafniae bacteria type and Kliebseilla sp. can grow HgCl2 concentration 30 g/L. There no bacteria type capable to grow HgCl2 concentration 37,5 g/L.


Keywords: Resistant Bacteria, Mercury, Mining Gold.

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