Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal) https://bestjournal.untad.ac.id/index.php/Galenika <p><strong>Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal), </strong>&nbsp;<a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1427179804" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN: 2442-8744</a> / <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1424060587" target="_blank" rel="noopener">p-ISSN: 2442-7284</a>, is an international open access journal (print and e-journal) focusing on the scientific works in the field of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science. The articles of this journal are published every six months, that is March and October (2 issues per year). This journal is published by Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Tadulako University and has been identified in Crossref with the DOI Number : 10.22487/j24428744. Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) has been accredited by Kemenristekdikti as <strong>Sinta 3</strong> starting from Volume 5 No 1 March 2019 (National Accreditation) and has been also indexed in DOAJ. Starting from 1 October 2020, only receive manuscript in full english.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> en-US sulaiman_zubair80@yahoo.co.id (Muhammad Sulaiman Zubair) saifulmaulana011@gmail.com (Saipul Maulana) Sat, 01 Mar 2025 09:02:30 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 The Effect of Different Soxhlet Extraction Solvents Towards Anti-Propionibacterium acnes Activity of Balik Angin Leaves (Alphitonia incana (Roxb.) Teijsm. & Binn. ex Kurz) https://bestjournal.untad.ac.id/index.php/Galenika/article/view/16634 <div> <div class="css-146c3p1 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-37j5jr r-a023e6 r-16dba41 r-1adg3ll r-1b5gpbm r-a8ghvy" dir="ltr"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-b88u0q r-a8ghvy"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"><strong>Background</strong>:</span></span><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"> Acne is a skin infection that may be induced by </span><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy r-36ujnk"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy">Propionibacterium acnes</span></span><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy">. Treatment of acne using natural ingredients native to Kalimantan, such as Balik Angin (</span><em><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy r-36ujnk"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy">Alphitonia incana</span></span></em><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"> (Roxb.) Teijsm. &amp; Binn. ex Kurz), can serve as an alternative therapy. Prior research indicates that leaves macerated with methanol and 70% ethanol solvents can inhibit the growth of </span><em><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy r-36ujnk"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy">P. acnes</span></span></em><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"> in the medium category, with a Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of 3.2%.</span></span></div> <div class="css-146c3p1 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-37j5jr r-a023e6 r-16dba41 r-1adg3ll r-1b5gpbm r-a8ghvy" dir="ltr"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-b88u0q r-a8ghvy"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"><strong>Objectives</strong>:</span></span><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"> The purpose of this research is to compare the effects of different Soxhlet extraction solvents on the antibacterial activity of Balik Angin leaves in inhibiting the growth of </span><em><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy r-36ujnk"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy">P. acnes</span></span></em><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy">.</span></span></div> <div class="css-146c3p1 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-37j5jr r-a023e6 r-16dba41 r-1adg3ll r-1b5gpbm r-a8ghvy" dir="ltr"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-b88u0q r-a8ghvy"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"><strong>Materials and Methods</strong>:</span></span><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"> Balik Angin leaves were extracted using the Soxhlet method with two different solvents: methanol and 70% ethanol. This was followed by phytochemical screening. The antibacterial activity assay was conducted using the well diffusion method, with sample concentrations of 25.6%, 12.8%, 6.4%, 3.2%, 1.6%, 0.8%, 0.4%, and 0.2%.</span></span></div> <div class="css-146c3p1 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-37j5jr r-a023e6 r-16dba41 r-1adg3ll r-1b5gpbm r-a8ghvy" dir="ltr"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-b88u0q r-a8ghvy"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"><strong>Results</strong>:</span></span><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"> Both extracts contained the same phytochemical groups, namely phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, and triterpenoids. The antibacterial activity test results showed that both extracts had the same MIC of 0.8%. However, the 70% ethanol extract of Balik Angin leaves produced a larger average inhibition diameter of 9.61 ± 0.35 mm compared to the methanol extract, which had an average of 9.20 ± 0.22 mm. Nonetheless, there was no significant difference (p &gt; 0.05) between the two extracts across the concentration range of 1.6–25.6%.</span></span></div> <div class="css-146c3p1 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-37j5jr r-a023e6 r-16dba41 r-1adg3ll r-1b5gpbm r-a8ghvy" dir="ltr"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-b88u0q r-a8ghvy"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"><strong>Conclusions</strong>:</span></span><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"> The conclusion of this research is that differences in Soxhlet extraction solvents used for Balik Angin leaves can affect their activity as an anti-</span><em><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy r-36ujnk"><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy">Propionibacterium acnes</span></span></em><span class="css-1jxf684 r-bcqeeo r-1ttztb7 r-qvutc0 r-poiln3 r-a8ghvy"> agent.</span></span></div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Hafiz Ramadhan, Dyera Forestryana, Ahmad Rizal Maulana Subareng, Vebruati Vebruati Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://bestjournal.untad.ac.id/index.php/Galenika/article/view/16634 Sat, 01 Mar 2025 09:00:52 +0000 Bioactivity of Songga Wood (Strychnos ligustrina) methanol extract: Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory against Interleukin-8 (Il-8) levels in Vivo https://bestjournal.untad.ac.id/index.php/Galenika/article/view/17342 <p>Songga wood (<em>Strychnos ligustrina</em>) from the genus Loganiaceae is a plant that is empirically used as a traditional medicine by people in several regions in Indonesia. This plant is used as a medicine for fever, malaria, antidote, wounds, boils, acne and scabies. This study aims to determine the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of methanol extract of songga wood with Interleukin-8 (IL-8) parameter. Songga wood was macerated with methanol for 3x24 hours until a thick extract was obtained. Antioxidant activity test was conducted by DPPH method and anti-inflammatory by ELISA with IL-8 parameter. Test animals were divided into six groups, namely the normal group, negative control (Na-CMC), positive control (diclofenac sodium) and treatment with three dose variations, namely 50, 100, and 200 mg/KgBB. The results showed that the antioxidant activity value of Songga wood was IC<sub>50</sub> 84.51 μg/ml.&nbsp; Furthermore, anti-inflammatory activity showed IL-8 levels at doses of 50 mg/kgBB extract (494.8 pg/ml), 100 mg/kgBB (216.2 pg/ml) and 200 mg/kgBB (118.7 pg/ml). This study concluded that methanol extract of songga wood has strong antioxidant activity and has activity as an anti-inflammatory and the most effective dose of IL-8 levels is 200 mg/kgBB (p&gt;0.05).</p> Asriullah Jabbar, Wahyuni Wahyuni, Nasrudin Nasrudin Copyright (c) https://bestjournal.untad.ac.id/index.php/Galenika/article/view/17342 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:09:34 +0000 In Vitro Evaluation of Sunscreen Activity of Extract and Fraction of Kedabu Fruit (Sonneratia ovata Backer) https://bestjournal.untad.ac.id/index.php/Galenika/article/view/17347 <p>The Kedabu fruit, scientifically known as <em>Sonneratia ovata Backer</em>, is a type of mangrove plant commonly found in Indonesia. This fruit is valued for its antioxidant properties and shows potential as a natural sunscreen.. This study is expected to provide an overview and source of information about the potential sunscreen activity of fruit extracts and fractions in vitro by determining the %Te (erythema transmission), %Tp (pigmentation transmission), and FPM (Sun Protection Factor) values. Experiments were conducted on extracts and various fractions, including n-hexane, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, and water. The extracts and fractions of Kedabu fruit were prepared at concentrations of 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 μg/mL. Their absorbance was then measured in the UV A (320-375 nm) and UV B (290-320 nm) wavelength ranges. The n-butanol fraction, at a concentration of 1000 μg/mL, appears to be the most effective sunscreen, demonstrating a %Te value of 8.369% and a %Tp of 50.345%. This performance places it in the standard Suntan range for UV B protection. Additionally, it has an FPM value of 10.58, categorizing it within the highest level of sun protection.</p> Putri Lestari, Mustika Furi, Armon Fernando, Syahrul Amin, Nawwar Irfan Copyright (c) https://bestjournal.untad.ac.id/index.php/Galenika/article/view/17347 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 03:03:18 +0000