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A review has been carried out on the development of Biodegradable Foam (Bio-foam) with the main ingredient of Kepok banana weevil starch as a breakthrough in environmentally friendly food and beverage packaging while providing innovative solutions. The best composition of bio-foam was obtained from several kinds of literature, including the ratio of banana cob starch and sepiolite fibre used of 60:40 with the addition of 10% v/v of PVA which was able to produce smaller pore size of 0.2-1.0 m, strong pressure >4.02 MPa, melting point 166.50℃ with a heat flow of -12.38 MW. The addition of 10% oregano essential oil in the pre-bio foam sample has lower water solubility and better mechanical resistance, as well as having a more effective ability to resist Salmonella (gram-negative bacteria) and L. Monocytogenes (gram-positive bacteria). Banana weevil bio-foam can be completely degraded after two months faster than styrofoam which takes approximately 80 years

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How to Cite
Novianty, Puspita, E., Suminah, Arsyad, F. S., & Idha Royani. (2022). Biodegradable Foam (Bio-foam) from Banana Weevil as an Environmentally Friendly Styrofoam Generation. Gravitasi, 21(2), 44-48.


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