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Research has been conducted with the title of identification of weak zones in the Sigi Regency office area using geoelectric methods of resistivity. The study aims to analyze the perlapission of subsurface rocks and determine the distribution of weak zones. The measurements were made on 15 track using the Wenner Configuration. The data obtained is calculated using Microsoft Excel and processed using the Res2Dinv 3.53 program that produce a cross-section of 2D resistivity. The results showed that the weak zone had resistance values of 20-180 Ωm which were suspected to be clay and sand. This weak zone is characterized by a low resistivity value and contrasting a large resistivity value compared to surrounding rocks. This weak zone is detected in almost all measurement trajectories of varying depth and is mostly at a depth of ± 6 m. The weak zone spreads southwest of the research site

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How to Cite
Sandra, S., Sunaldi, S., Musa, M. D. T., Abdullah, A., Rusydi, M., & Maskur, M. (2022). Identification of Weak Zones in the Area of Sigi Regency Office Using Geoelectric Methods of Resistivity. Gravitasi, 21(1), 16-22.


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