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Administratively, the research area is the jurisdiction of the Pamukkulu Dam construction project of PT. Wijaya Karya in Kale Komara Village, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of the subsurface rock and the pattern and direction of seepage in the construction of the dam. The method used is the geophysical method with geoelectric measurements. The condition of the rocks below the surface in the study area can be interpreted based on the results of observations and resistivity tests where breccia and basalt rock types are on a resistivity scale of >= 100 ohm.m. From the results of modeling with the voxler application, the direction of seepage in the study area starts from the East and Northeast and leads predominantly to the Northwest and Southwest.

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How to Cite
Langkoke, R. (2022). Modeling Analysis of Seepage Potential Based on Rock Resistivity Value in Geoelectric Method at Pamukkulu Dam. Gravitasi, 21(1), 35-43.


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