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Geothermal energy originates from Earth's core heat, creating a hydrothermal system. Surface manifestations, like hot water, hold potential for geo-tourism. Detecting this system underground necessitates a comprehensive study. Geophysical methods, such as magnetics, can be used to predict hot fluid pathways and identify structural and alteration zones. This study aims to use the magnetic method to locate the outflow pathway in the Jatimulyo village, Jati Agung sub-district, South Lampung. Results reveal an anomaly in the form of a fault structure acting as a pathway for hot water. The distant hot spring lacks pluton granite and exhibits lower temperatures. The findings suggest a low magnetic anomaly along the outflow path, attributed to the loss of magnetic properties in heated rocks. Geological data indicates a northwest-southeast fault in the western part of the area, which may influence the fluid pathway.

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How to Cite
Mustofa, Y., Rasada, D. A., Dahlila, D., Maskuri, M. F., Noorie, M. R. A., Irawati, S. M., & Paembonan, A. Y. (2023). Identification of Hot Fluid Pathways in Jatimulyo Village, South Lampung Using Magnetic Method. Gravitasi, 22(1), 9-15.


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