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3D delineation of the geological structure of the Geothermal prospect area in Kepahiang Regency has been conducted. The purpose is to get an overview of the subsurface and geothermal system in Kepahiang and map the alteration zone. Forward modeling and inversion were performed on geomagnetic data measured using a Proton Precession Magnetometer. The results of the analysis found that geothermal field prospects  are distributed in Babakan Bogor, Barat Wetan, Pematang Donok, Tangsi Duren, Sido Makmur, and Air Sempiang with an average reservoir depth of 900 m. Four types of rock formations were found including volcanic breccia rocks, basalt rocks, gabbro rocks, and altered rocks. The low anomalies located in Babakan Bogor, Barat Wetan, Kuto Rejo, Pematang Donok, Tangsi Baru, Sido Makmur, and Air Sempiang are thought to be caused by the active and inductively magnetized Musi Segment Fault due to the geothermal reservoir from the activities of Mount Kaba.

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How to Cite
Nanang Sugianto, Refrizon, & Simbolon, P. (2022). 3D Deliniation of Geological Structure of Kepahiang Geothermal Area, Indonesia. Gravitasi, 21(2), 69-80.


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