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Balaesang Tanjung in Donggala Regency is a peninsula surrounded by the sea. This preliminary hydrogeological study aims to estimate the groundwater potential zone in the area. We conducted a qualitative assessment using indicative parameters of morphology, slope gradient, and rock formations. The main feature based on the lowest topography and gentle slope is the location of water accumulation. It is occupied by the Molasse Formation, where limestone and other deposits are characteristic of a porous lithology, which most likely allows infiltration processes to occur in this area. The presence of discontinuities in limestones can serve as secondary porosity for storing fluids. So that the delineation of groundwater recharge follows the distribution of the Molasse Formation and the morphology of the plains. From these results, we recommend that the western Balaesang Tanjung area can act as a low to moderate productive aquifer, where the flow can flow through fissures.
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