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Groundwater can be used as a form of fulfilling needs, such as making wells for shallow groundwater (surface water) and deep groundwater (aquifers). This study aims to determine the subsurface resistivity of the study area by calculating and modeling the results of geoelectrical measurements as well as information on the groundwater-bearing rock layers. Geoelectric measurements use the "Schlumberger" method then the data is processed by the "Res2DinV" program. Measurement points were in 3 places in the Tamanalrea area of Makassar City. The results found 6 subsurface layers, namely soil layers, tuff as shallow aquifers (freshwater), tuff as shallow aquifers (brackish), tuff as shallow aquifers (freshwater), hard volcanic breccias (massive), tuff as aquifers (freshwater) with prospects for exploited. The lithology is dominated by volcanic rocks consisting of water-saturated tuff rocks characterized by low resistivity values and volcanic breccia rocks have undergone weathering and massive conditions with high resistivity values.

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How to Cite
Husain, R., & Husain, J. R. (2023). Characteristics of Rock Layers as Aquifers in Tamalanrea Region. Gravitasi, 22(1), 35-41.


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