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Cereals-based foods are foods with the highest level of consumers because they have high levels of carbohydrates. Food is also the largest contributor to heavy metal contamination that enters the human body, especially heavy metal Pb reaching 90%. Pb heavy metals with too high levels in humans can damage human organs and cause death. Research related to the analysis of heavy metal content in cereal foods, especially vermicelli has been carried out. The analysis method uses GFAAAS (Graphite Furnace Analysis Atomic Absorption Spectrometer).  Some solution that must be prepared include vermicelli sample solution, working standards, and aquadem as a diluent. Based on BPOM regulation No. 5 of 2018 states that lead content in vermicelli must be less than 0.25 mg/Kg. Results indicate that First sample has an ineligible status, but second and third samples are qualified because they are negative at the time of rough determination heavy metal lead (Pb).

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How to Cite
Haloho, S. M. T., Idha Royani, & Dita Herfiani. (2024). Analysis of Lead Content in Cereal-Based Foods Using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Gravitasi, 22(2), 45-48.


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