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Proper evaluation of soil layers is crucial to prevent potential construction issues. The selection of the layer for the foundation of a construction project impacts the loading, stability, and fundamental behaviour of the structure. In this study, we will map the geological structure and lithology of the subsurface layers of the earth to identify a suitable location for the foundation of infrastructure. The resistivity geoelectric method was utilized for predicting structural conditions beneath the soil's surface layer by measuring a material's specific resistance. The obtained results were refined by conducting geological and geophysical analysis. The study site's resistivity values ranged from 16.8 Ωm to 584 Ωm and were interpreted as layers of mud, sand, and gravel. The investigation determined that the suitable layers for foundation construction consist of sand and gravel situated beyond a depth of 37.06 meters beneath the surface.

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How to Cite
Nurhasanah, N., & Ivansyah, O. (2024). Subsurface Profile Mapping for Infrastructure Foundation Laying. Gravitasi, 22(2), 49-53.


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