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Radiation generated by mobile phones can potentially cause health problems to users. This study aims to limit or suppress the effects of electromagnetic wave radiation using multifunctional fluids, namely eco enzymes. There are 2 treatments, namely using eco enzymes measuring 600 ml and 1.2 L with 6 passes with a certain distance and a duration of 0 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 25 minutes, and 30 minutes. The results of data analysis were carried out using the effectiveness equation. The highest average values of the electric field and magnetic field were found on path A before using the eco enzyme, with measurements of 6 V/m and 0.18 μT. Eco enzyme successfully reduced electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones with an effectiveness of 53%. Therefore, eco enzyme is very useful as an environmentally friendly material that can protect us from exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

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How to Cite
Pingki, P., Anis Nismayanti, Sabhan, S., Iqbal, I., Kasman, K., & Maskur, M. (2024). The Influence of Eco Enzyme on The Reduction of Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Phone. Gravitasi, 23(1), 1-5.


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