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the aim of this research are to knowing the effect of using variations and thickness of Al, Cu and Pb filters on ESE values using thorax examination phantoms and to determine the effect of variations in irradiation time-current on the use of variations and thickness of Al, Cu and Pb filters on ESE values using thorax examination phantoms. The results showed that the thicker the filter used, the ESE value obtained decreased, and vice versa. While the results obtained for the irradiation time-current are the greater the time-current used, the ESE value obtained increases, and vice versa. Filters that enter the tolerance limit of thorax examination are Aluminum (Al) filters with a thickness of 1.5 mm and a time-current of 8 mAs, which is 0.089594 mGy. This is influenced by several factors including the thickness of the filter used, the irradiation time-current performed and the density of the filter.

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Saharani, A., Zelviani, S., Nurrahmi, S., Fuadi, N., & Muthmainnah, N. (2024). Effect of Filter and Thickness Variation on Entrance Skin Exposure (ESE) Values of Thorax Organs. Gravitasi, 22(2), 54-58.


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