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Landslides occur frequently in the South Makale sub-district. The disaster resulted in material losses and casualties. Landslides can occur due to a variety of factors. One of these is unstable soil conditions caused by the soil's physical properties, specifically weak soil cohesion (binding capacity) or rocks. This study aims to identify the mineral properties of soil in potential landslide areas in Sandabilik Village, Tana Toraja. This sample was tested using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The soil samples collected at the landslide site were 50 cm and 100 cm deep. Sample test results show that the content of soil chemical compounds in Sandabilik Village, South Makale District, Tana Toraja Regency, is dominated by SiO2 (Silica Oxide), both at a depth of 50 meters (72.02%) and at a depth of 100 meters (56.55%), respectively. Fe2O3 compounds were 15.65% at a depth of 50 meters, and 24.50% at a depth of 100 meters.

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How to Cite
Saka, B. G. M., R. O. Tarru, & Sitti Nurrahmi. (2024). Identification of Chemical Element Using X-Ray Fluorescence in Soil with Landslide Potential from Sandabilik Village, Tana Toraja. Gravitasi, 23(1), 18-20.


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