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This research was carried out aimed to detect the presence of subsurface utilities and map the utilities contained in the SYT road segment, Yogyakarta. This aims to prevent damage and leakage when planting new utilities in the future. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method with a frequency of 500 MHz measure in 12 lines, processed using ReflexW. The result shows the utilities consist of cable and pipe utilities. The wires will provide a nested hyperbolic anomaly response, while the pipe provides a single hyperbole anomaly. The continuity anomaly is suspected as a utility network. The continuity is seen based on the depth and dimensions of the hyperbola are similar. The utilities contained in the SYT road segment; Yogyakarta are at a depth of 0.5 m - 2.8 m. Where there is continuity which is suspected as a cable and pipe network.
Article Details
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