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Cross-correlations between stations for ambient seismic noise derived from 1 year of uninterrupted data in southern part of Sulawesi has been conducted. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of ambient seismic noise and to determine the reliable period band for surface wave tomography. We apply ambient noise analysis to vertical-component broadband data recorded by 11 stations deployed by BMKG and GSN network. Our results show that the ambient noise is dominantly coming from Flores Sea and Makassar Strait. The SNR > 5 is found at period between 8–30 s for most of interstation distance. The seasonal variation has not given significant impact, but strong ambient noise emerges when using recordings that are stack of 1 year in duration with data selection. We propose that the good period band EGF for surface wave tomography in southern part of Sulawesi is at period band 8-30 s.

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How to Cite
Awaliah, W. O., M. Rusydi, & Sandra, S. (2024). Characteristics of ambient seismic noise in Southern Part of Sulawesi from BMKG and GSN network. Gravitasi, 23(1), 27-32. Retrieved from


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