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This study determines the sound absorption coefficient values of rice straw acoustic material as a noise reducer using the two-microphone impedance tube method based on ISO 10534-2:1998 standards. Two test variables were employed in this research. Composition variation consisting of three samples and thickness variation also comprising three samples. Composition variation was conducted to evaluate the ability of rice straw as a sound absorber, while thickness variation was used to determine the effect of thickness on the sound absorption coefficient of rice straw acoustic material. All test samples obtained the highest absorption coefficient values at a frequency of 1600 Hz. The acoustic material in the composition variation achieved the highest absorption coefficient values of 0.30, 0.34, and 0.37, respectively. The thickness variation obtained the highest absorption coefficient values of 0.73, 0.79, and 0.95, respectively. The obtained sound absorption coefficient values meet the standards established by the International Standardization Organization 11654.
Article Details
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