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PT. Karya Sopai Sejahtera (PT. KSS) operates in rock mining using an open-pit system in Watusampu, Palu, Central Sulawesi. Excavation alters slope geometry, affecting stability and risking landslides, impacting safety, equipment, and productivity. To address this, a geotechnical study assesses slope stability using the Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) - Bishop method. Geological surveys and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) reveal predominantly andesite rock with fresh gray and weathered brown colors, hypocrystalline and equigranular textures, and quartz, pyroxene, biotite, and hornblende minerals. The slope design includes a 150-meter overall height, bench heights of 15-25 meters, widths of 3-5 meters, a single slope angle of 70°, and an overall angle of 61°. Static analysis shows stability (FS 1.94), but dynamic conditions, including earthquakes, reduce FS to 0.43, causing instability (FS < 1.1) with a 100% failure probability. The slope is stable except during strong earthquakes.

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How to Cite
Penarosa, F. A., Nurdin, S., Tawil, S., Rahayu, A., Beddu, A., Akbar, K., Abdullah, A., Uno, I., & Abdullah, A. I. (2024). Application of the LEM-Bishop Based on the Generalized Hoek-Brown Criteria for Assessing the Stability of Rock Slopes at Mining Area of PT. Karya Sopai Sejahtera, Palu City. Gravitasi, 23(2), 53-60.


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