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Talise beach is one of the attraction in Central Sulawesi, which is located in the center of the city of Palu. Government of Palu has planning reclamation for Talise Beach and the process has been ongoing since 2013 and will be ended in 2018. It is expected the reclamation would improve the local economy and the economy of communities in Talise beach. Position of Talise beach is adjacent to the river Palu implies the inclusion of household waste and industrial waste in the city of Palu and its surrounding areas, in addition to the reclamation process itself can add to the discharge of waste in Talise beach. Lead (Pb) is one type of heavy metals that can pollute coastal waters. The existence of this metal can reduce the water quality and dangerous for marine organisms. Therefore it is very important to monitor the levels of heavy metals in the waters. This study aim is to determination the level of Pb in Talise beach (at the site reclamation). Based on the results of the analysis of seawater samples at three stations using spectrophotometric methods and sepctro direct instruments, it is obtained that the level of Pb average ranges between 0,53 - 0,58 mg/L. This value has passed the quality standard for marine life.

Keywords: Lead (Pb), Talise waters, spectrofotometry, spectro direct.

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How to Cite
Ningsih, P. (2015). Determination of Lead (Pb) in Talise Waters (Location of Reclamation) in Palu City. Gravitasi, 14(2).