Natural Science: Journal of Science and Technology 2025-01-13T04:00:24+00:00 F Fahri Open Journal Systems <p><a title="Link Sinta" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Natural Sciences: Jurnal of Science and Technology</strong> [eISSN : 2541-1969 | pISSN : 2338-0950]</a> is an open access journal from Tadulako University, Indonesia. Natural Sciences: Journal of Science and Technology (hence JST) is an international journal providing an authoritative source of scientific information for researchers in academia, research institutions and government agencies, and industries. We publish original research papers, review articles and case studies on the scientific works in the field of life science in tropical area including biodiversity and environment, ecology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, molecular biology, biochemistry, ethnobiology, herbal medicine, zoology and botany as well as related topics. JST does not accept papers related to the topic of material science, education, economy, social and humanities and other issues outside the topic of life science. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two referees. Other topics are welcome if it discusses biodiversity or biotechnology. Natural Sciences: Journal of Science and Technology is published and imprinted by Faculty of Science, Tadulako University (UNTAD) and managed to be issued twice in every volume. For further information, please visit</p> <p><strong>Natural Sciences: Journal of Science and Technology</strong> <span class="fontstyle0">officially published three times a year. But, starting on January 1, 2021 Journal of Science and Technology will be published twice a year.</span></p> Impact of Cornegenapsylla sinica gall formation on the distribution of longan (Dimocarpus longan) photosynthetic products 2025-01-13T04:00:24+00:00 Su'udi Mukhamad <p><em>Cornegenapsylla sinica </em>is an insect from the Psylloidea family that is capable for inducing the formation of galls on <em>Dimocarpus </em><em>longan</em> plant leaves. The galls formed in the form of a protrusion on the adaxial side of the leaf, due to the depression on the abaxial side, the result of a puncture by the nymph of <em>C. sinica</em>. The formation of galls on the leaves of <em>D. longan </em>causes changes in the morphological, anatomical, and physiological structures of <em>D. longan</em>. Changes in the morphological structure, anatomy, and physiology of leaves which play an important role in photosynthesis and its distribution, will disrupt the process of photosynthesis and the distribution of assimilates. In addition, increased oxidative stress, decreased number of stomata, and decreased CO2 assimilation occurred in plant organs with galls.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Cornegenapsylla sinica</em>, Gall Formation, Photosynthesis.</p> 2024-12-31T22:40:16+00:00 Copyright (c) Effect Of Irradiation On Collagen Extraction From Tilapia Fish Scales (Oreocharomis Niloticus) 2024-12-31T22:59:53+00:00 Asmiati Asmiati Nurul Fuadi Sitti Nurrahmi Jumardin Jumardin <p>Research on Cesium-137 Gamma Ray Irradiation on Collagen Extraction from Tilapia Fish Scales (Oreocharomis Niloticus). With the aim of knowing the functional groups of collagen before and after irradiation and knowing the effect of the dose on the functional groups of collagen. This study used the extraction method with the addition of acid (maceration). Then irradiate the extraction results with a Cesium-137 source, with a constant (x) distance of 100 cm with varying doses of 10 mGy, 30 mGy and 50 mGy. The sample used in this study was Tilapia fish scales. The results showed that prior to irradiation during the FT-IR test it produced several collagen functional groups, namely: amide A, amide I, amide II, and amide III. While the functional groups after irradiation were: amide A, amide I, and amide III at a dose of 50 mGy. Thus, radiation can cause changes in the structure and properties of collagen molecules and can trigger chemical reactions in functional groups.</p> 2024-12-31T22:42:27+00:00 Copyright (c) Comparison of Physical Properties of Face Scrub Gel Containing Moringa Seed Powder (Moringa Oleifera Lamk.) as Natural Exfoliant and Polyethylene Beads as Synthetic Exfoliant 2024-12-31T22:59:53+00:00 Asriana Sultan <p>Face scrub is a facial skin care product used to remove dead skin cells on the face, containing small particles of polymer as a synthetic exfoliant and natural ingredients of <em>Moringa oleifera</em> Lamk. as a natural exfoliant. The aim of this study was to compare the physical characteristics of face scrub gel using Moringa seed powder as a natural exfoliant and polyethylene beads as a synthetic exfoliant. The research method was laboratory experimental with varying concentrations of exfoliants in 1%, 1.5% and 2% in F1, F2 and F3 (containing Moringa seed powder) and F4, F5 and F6 (containing polyethylene beads). Evaluation of the preparation were included organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, spreadability, viscosity, stability, and irritation test. The results of the stability test showed that the Moringa seed face scrub gel preparation as a natural exfoliant affected its physical characteristics, but all formulas still met the requirement range for the physical properties of gel. The results of the irritation test for a face scrub gel preparation containing both of the exfoliant did not cause irritation in all volunteers. From this research, it can be concluded that Moringa seed powder as a natural exfoliant which is formulated into a face scrub gel preparation can be a natural alternative as exfoliating facial cleansing agents. The optimal formulation is formula 1 with a concentration of 1% Moringa seed powder and formula 5 with a concentration of 1.5% polyethylene beads.</p> 2024-12-31T22:42:59+00:00 Copyright (c) Comparison of Proximate Analysis in Three Species of Ficus Fruits 2025-01-08T06:00:51+00:00 Ismed Ismed Rina Yenrina Hasbullah Hasbullah Daimon Syukri Yusniwati Yusniwati <p>The genus Ficus comprises various species that exhibit differences in their nutritional composition, including Ficus aurata (Miq.), Ficus padana Burm. f., and Ficus racemosa L. This study focuses on nutritional composition such as moisture, ash, protein, fat, and carbohydrates present in the fruits of three types of genus Ficus. Results showed that mean water content between 86.05 % and 90.28%, total ash content changes between 0.78% and 0.94%, mean crude protein levels suitable almost up 0.45% to 1.24%, carbohydrate percentage varied from 7.59% to 11.40%. The analytical evaluation was successful in establishing the presence of heterogeneities in the qualitative proximate composition of the three studied species. Ficus aurata (Miq.) was found to have the maximum crude protein contents among the species investigated. Ficus padana Burm. F exhibited the highest fat content and efficiency in fat metabolism than the analysis carried out on the other species. Besides, Ficus padana Burm. f. includes water-soluble polysaccharides in greater quantity than those in the other two types, so it possesses higher carbohydrate content. The findings of this study about the clinical nutrition possibilities due to the diverse nutritional profiles among the exotic Ficus fruit species are quite astonishing. The current study highlights the nutritional value of single Ficus species, educating the clinical nutrition since there is always room for expansion in terms of concepts for food product development, nutrition and health.</p> 2024-12-31T22:45:48+00:00 Copyright (c)