KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia 2025-01-04T11:06:26+00:00 Pasjan Satrimafitrah Open Journal Systems <p><strong>KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal of chemistry that published by the Chemistry Department, Tadulako University, Indonesia. This journal is concerned with publishing original research articles, review articles, and current issues related to chemistry. Publishing frequency 3 issues per year, in April, August, and December. KOVALEN has been established since 2015 with volume 1 no 1 (December 2015) and has been <strong>accredited by DIKTI in the SINTA 4 category (No. 164/ E/ KPT/2021)</strong>.</p> <p><strong>ISSN:&nbsp;<strong><strong>2477-5398 (electronic)</strong></strong></strong></p> <p>The Scope of this journal includes:<br>1. Theoretical and environmental chemistry study<br>2. Material and biomaterial synthesis, including their application&nbsp;<br>3. Isolation, purification, and modification of the natural product<br>4. Development and validation of analytical methods<br>5. Isolation and application of enzyme</p> Induksi Aquilaria malaccensis Menggunakan Kombinasi Fusarium oxysporum dan Asam Salisilat 2024-12-31T23:16:49+00:00 Diah Puspa Rani Afghani Jayuska Siti Khotimah Puji Ardiningsih Muhammad Agus Wibowo <p>Agarwood is a resin from agarwood-producing plants that are given certain stimulants, thus stimulating the tree's defense system. The defense system produced is in the form of a sweet-smelling phytoalexin compound, better known as agarwood. Stimulants that can stimulate the formation of Gaharu are biological inoculants and chemical inducers. In this research, the biological inoculant used the <em>Fusarium oxysporum</em> fungus, and the chemical inducer used salicylic acid. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of using a combination of <em>Fusarium oxysporum</em> and salicylic acid in producing agarwood resin. The combination treatment of <em>Fusarium oxysporum</em> and salicylic acid was carried out using the injection method on <em>Aquilaria malaccensis</em> tree branches, and induction was carried out for 3 months. This research shows that the TLC test results in all treatments contain aloes, which is proven by the discovery of phenolic and terpenoid compounds. The combination treatment produces a color change intensity that is not darker and has a broader color change zone compared to the single treatment. Therefore, it can be concluded that the combination of <em>Fusarium oxysporum</em> and salicylic acid is less effective in producing Gaharu than the single treatment.</p> 2024-12-31T15:04:33+00:00 Copyright (c) Aplikasi Edible Coating Albedo Semangka dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Bandotan pada Tomat Napu 2024-12-31T23:16:49+00:00 Mohammad Lutfi Asri Wulandari Fito Hizra Nur Rahmadina Nur Chaedar Nurhaeni Aini Auliana Amar <p>One of the causes of food waste is due to the lack of post-harvest handling of fruits or vegetables, therefore, an innovation is needed to overcome this problem, one of which is with edible coating. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of edible coatings from watermelon albedo pectin with the addition of <em>Bandotan</em> leaf extract as an antibacterial against Napu tomatoes. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments, namely tomatoes (edible coating), tomatoes (edible coating + 12.5% bandotan leaf ethanol extract), tomatoes (edible coating + 25% bandotan leaf ethanol extract), and tomatoes (edible coating + 50% bandotan leaf ethanol extract). The watermelon albedo pectin characterization test results were the equivalent weight of 558.3 mg, methoxyl content of 6.1%, galacturonic acid content of 32.1%, moisture content of 11.469%, and ash content of 9.378%. From the results of tomato characterization tests for weight loss, moisture content, and microbial tests, the best treatment was produced by tomatoes (edible coating + 50% antibacterial), with consecutive results of 7.90%, 53.18%, 16.6 colonies (10<sup>-4</sup> dilution), and 5.6 colonies (10<sup>-5</sup> dilution).</p> 2024-12-31T23:12:07+00:00 Copyright (c) Pemanfaatan Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Kulit Jagung Manis menjadi Kertas Karton menggunakan Metode Organosolv 2024-12-31T23:16:49+00:00 Cindi Ramayanti Winda Febrina Sari Mustain Erika Dwi Oktaviani Apri Mujiyanti <p>Paper is generally made using cellulose, which comes from wood, as raw material. However, if wood is used without stopping, it will cause global temperatures to rise and depletion of wood resources. One alternative to replacing wood in paper production is to use empty fruit bunch (EFB) waste and sweet corn husks. This research aims to obtain optimum conditions from variations in the ratio of raw materials and cooking process solutions and to obtain cardboard paper quality under SNI 0123:2008. The method used in this research is raw material preparation, and the pulp-making process uses the organosolv method. From the results of this research, the characteristics of pulp and paperboard obtained under optimum conditions at a raw material ratio of 30:70% w/w with a cooking solution ratio of 30:50:20% v/v have a cellulose content of 60% w/w, a tensile index of 5 .83 kN/m, absorption capacity 2.35 gr/m<sup>2</sup>, and grammage 428.67 gr/m<sup>2</sup>. From these data, it can be concluded that cardboard paper is produced from EFB raw materials and sweet corn husks with a raw material ratio of 30:70 %w/w and a cooking solution ratio of 30:50:20 %w/w using the process organosolv has met SNI 0123:2008 standards on tensile index, absorption capacity and grammage regarding the quality requirements for paperboard.&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-31T23:13:20+00:00 Copyright (c) Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Komposit Mn-N-TiO2/Bentonit untuk Degradasi Polutan Organik 2024-12-31T23:16:49+00:00 Ruslan Prismawiryanti Ni Ketut Sumarni Ahmad Ridhay Mutiara Zalfa Riski Sitti Nurhalisa Anggi Marsela <p>Research has been conducted on the synthesis and characterization of Mn-N-TiO2/Bentonite composites for the degradation of organic pollutants. This study aims to synthesize the Mn-N-TiO<sub>2</sub>/Bentonite composite as a catalyst in degrading congo red in visible light and to determine the effect of irradiation time on the effectiveness of photodegradation of congo red catalyzed Mn-N-TiO<sub>2</sub>/Bentonite. The synthesis of the Mn-N-TiO<sub>2</sub>/Bentonite composite was carried out using the sol-gel method. Characterization was carried out with UV-Vis DRS, XRD, FTIR, and SEM-EDX. A photocatalytic activity test on Congo red degradation was carried out using ultraviolet and visible lamps. The results of the characterization of the Mn-N-TiO<sub>2/</sub>Bentonite configuration show that the band gap energy of Mn-N- TiO<sub>2</sub>/Bentonite with a variation of 5 g has a band gap energy of 2.14 eV with anatase crystal form. In the IR spectrum, there is a shift in wave number from 1634.49 to 1433.11cm<sup>-1</sup>, there is the vibration of the NO bond, absorption below 1000 cm<sup>-1</sup> indicates the presence of Mn-O bonds, and absorption at wave number 1049.28 cm<sup>-1</sup> indicates the presence of ions. manganese metal trapped in the TiO<sub>2</sub> matrix. This spectrum indicated the presence of manganese and nitrogen. These results were confirmed by the EDX instrument, which showed the presence of 0.60% Mn and 0.04% N. SEM results show that particles that are still agglomerated and have a large size, which is influenced by water vapor in the TiO<sub>2</sub> crystal structure. The results showed that the photodegradation activity increased significantly up to 40.9075% at 30 minutes of irradiation for the Mn-N- TiO<sub>2</sub>/Bentonite composite and 20.0225% under exposure to ultraviolet light.</p> 2024-12-31T23:14:44+00:00 Copyright (c) Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Katalis Bentonit Termodifikasi TiO2 dan Terinpregnasi Logam Ni 2024-12-31T23:16:49+00:00 Mohamad Mirzan Nining Austi Duda Khairuddin Nurakhirawati Ruslan <p>TiO<sub>2</sub>-modified and Ni-impregnated bentonite catalysts have been synthesized and characterized to determine their physicochemical properties. Ni(NO<sub>3</sub>)2.6H<sub>2</sub>O was used as a precursor for impregnation. The physicochemical properties determined include surface acidity by acid-base titration method, FTIR spectrum, and XRF and XRD data. The highest surface acidity value was obtained from the Ni-TiO2/bentonite catalyst sample of 1.57 mmol/g. The results of FTIR analysis showed that the peak at wave number 3441 cm<sup>-1</sup> in TiO<sub>2</sub>/bentonite shifted to 3458 cm<sup>-1</sup> in Ni-TiO<sub>2</sub>/bentonite. The distribution of bentonite content after being pillared with TiO<sub>2</sub> = 8.68% and impregnated with NiO = 0.58%. The success of nickel metal impregnation into the TiO<sub>2</sub>/bentonite support was obtained from XRD data, which was marked by the appearance of a typical Ni peak at 2θ = 37.70° d = 2.38 Å, 2θ = 39.39° d = 2.28 Å, 2θ = 43.02° d = 2.10 Å, 2θ = 51.38°d = 1.77 Å.</p> 2024-12-31T23:15:38+00:00 Copyright (c) Pemanfaatan Limbah Puntung Rokok sebagai Inhibitor Korosi pada Baja St40 Menggunakan Metode Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) di Lingkungan NaCl 3,56% 2025-01-04T11:06:26+00:00 Ikhsan Akmal Alatif Rahma Puspa Permatasari Rahma Nurulgina Zahrotul Filza Adzkia Puri Andayani Sabrina Aisyah Putri Adinda Dhyna Analyes Trirahayu Kunlestiowati Hadiningrum <p>Corrosion is a problem that occurs in many industries and causes large losses. The use of corrosion inhibitors is one way to reduce or inhibit corrosion. Cigarette butt waste extract can be utilized as an organic corrosion inhibitor. This study aims to determine the yield of cigarette butt waste extract, the content of cigarette butt waste extract produced using the MAE method qualitatively, determine the optimum conditions for the extraction process with the MAE method based on variations in microwave power of 150 and 300 watts and calculate the efficiency of corrosion inhibitors and the effect of compounds contained in cigarette butt waste extract in 3.56% NaCl environment. The optimum MAE condition was 150 watts and 15 minutes, with an extract yield of 54.38%. Based on the GC-MS test, it is known that cigarette butts waste extract contains alkaloid, terpenoid, and phenol compounds as corrosion inhibitor compounds. Based on corrosion inhibitor testing, the addition of cigarette butt waste extract corrosion inhibitors can suppress or reduce the corrosion rate that occurs on metals with an inhibitor efficiency of 79.19% in non-aerated conditions and 71.53% in aeration with an inhibitor concentration of 1000 ppm in a 3.56% NaCl environment.</p> 2025-01-04T11:06:25+00:00 Copyright (c)