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Climate change can create a considerable impact in Indonesia. Aceh province is a province located on the island of Sumatra and it are located around in the Indian Ocean. Aceh Province has a considerable impact of climate change caused by the Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies (SSTA). The SSTA in the Indian Ocean is a parameter that can affect climatic conditions in Indonesia. The SSTA changes can cause an extreme climate change on earth. There are several climate elements affected by SSTA including air temperature, rainfall, wind speed, solar radiation, and relative humidity. One of the methods used to look at SSTA's relationship with some climate elements is the Cross-Correlation method. The climate data used in this study was a daily time series data. The purpose of this study is to find out SSTA's relationship with some climate elements. The results showed that using the Pearson correlation, the highest relationship was SSTA and the air temperature was 0.45. Meanwhile, the lowest relationship was SSTA and the rainfall was -0.05. Similarly, the Cross-Correlation method where the highest relationship was SSTA and the air temperature was 0.469, and the lowest close relationship was SSTA and the rainfall was -0.075.


SSTA cross-correlation climate elements

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How to Cite
Oktaviani, F., Miftahuddin, & Setiawan, I. (2021). Cross-correlation Analysis Between Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies and Several Climate Elements in The Indian Ocean. Parameter: Journal of Statistics, 1(1), 13-20.


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