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Local Own-source Revenue (LOR) is all regional revenue that comes from the region's original economic resources. It is very important to identify it by researching and determining the Regional Local Own-source Revenue (LOR) by properly researching and managing the source of revenue so as to provide maximum results. Central Sulawesi Province itself has Local Own-source Revenue (LOR) in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget of the 2018 Budget Year has reached Rp1 trillion. The increase or decrease in growth of local revenue is influenced by the amount and type of tax, levies collected by local governments and the lack of incentives for the management apparatus to carry out tax collection and levies. This study uses spline regression analysis because the data of the Local Own-source Revenue (LOR) in Central Sulawesi in 2018 does not have a pattern so that it fits perfectly with that method. Then after processing the data obtained the results of spline nonparametric regression modeling using the optimal knots point obtained from the minimum GCV value. The best spline nonparametric regression model is written as follow . It can be concluded that in Central Sulawesi in 2018 the lowest Local Own-source Revenue (LOR) value was Banggai Laut Regency with 21,776 billion rupiahs and the highest Local Own-source Revenue (LOR) value was Palu City at 267,402 billion rupiahs.


Central Sulawesi GRDP LOR Regional Expenditure Tax

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How to Cite
Fajri, M., Wulansari, E. R., Anggraeni, A., & Annisa, M. (2021). Spline Nonparametric Regression Model for Local Revenue in Central Sulawesi. Parameter: Journal of Statistics, 1(2), 31-37.


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