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PT. Buana Mudantara is a company engaged in palm oil production. The production of oil palm at this company varies every period, so the problem that often occurs is insufficient supply and demand. Therefore, it is necessary to forecast future oil palm production. The method used in this research is the Fuzzy Time Series method which has advantages, among others, that the calculation process does not require a complicated system, so it is easier to develop and can solve the problem of forecasting historical data in the form of linguistic values. This method provides a level of accuracy calculated using the MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) of  . The results show that the forecasting of the amount of oil palm production in November 2019 - March 2020 is respectively ton, ton, ton,  tons and tons


Fuzzy Time Series Palm Oil Forecasting, Production Time Series

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How to Cite
Rasna, Sudarsana, I. W., & Lusiyanti, D. (2021). Forecasting Of Crude Palm Oil By Using Fuzzy Time Series Method (Study Case : PT. Buana Mudantara Plantation). Parameter: Journal of Statistics, 1(1), 31-40.


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