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Non-communicable diseases is diseases that are not caused by germs but rather because of physiological or metabolic problems in human body tissues. Usually, this disease occurs due to unhealthy lifestyle. One way to find out how large the spread of non-communicable diseases is by mapping the disease using biplot analysis. Biplot analysis is applied to determine the proximity information between objects, the length of the change vector, the correlation between modifiers, and the value of the change in an object. The study was conducted in 33 provinces with twelve non-communicable diseases. Descriptive analysis of twelve non-communicable diseases averaged the highest joint disease of 10.51 followed by hypertensive disease 8.85 and Stroke 6.42. While the lowest average disease is Heart Failure disease by 0.10 it is still open to research with other methods and also need to add supporting variables


Biplot Analysis Non-Communicable Diseases

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How to Cite
Suryowati, K., JP, M. T., & Nasution, N. (2021). Application Biplot Analysis on Mapping of Non-Convertive Diseases in Indonesia. Parameter: Journal of Statistics, 1(2), 11-20.


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