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Low interest in reading is a problem for our nation that must be solved, because Indonesia to occupy second position from bottom in terms of literacy. Most of the provinces in Indonesia are at low literacy activity levels and none of the provinces are included in the high literacy activity level. The lack of interest in reading can be influenced by many factors. Access of supporting resource where people get literacy materials, such as libraries, bookstores, and mass media, how people to get the information technology, and media devices to access literacy materials are the factor that can be affect the interest of reading. Literacy is one of the important cultures for a country. That is because the culture is able to influence the intelligence and well-being of a country's life. So the study aims to see what factors affect to increasing the literacy reading in the provinces in Indonesia. This study uses k-means clustering before applying factor analysis. Based on k-means clustering, two clusters are formed and showed one of the cluster showed that the second cluster is the provinces that have the highest number of library’s facilities. In addition based on the analysis factor in each cluster, two factors were formed, namely the standard factor for reading literacy levels and supporting the facilities for reading literacy. It can be concluded that the way to increase reading literacy in two clusters of the area in Indonesia are by increasing the standard of reading literacy level and supporting the facilities for reading literacy.
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