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In facing the era of globalization, especially in the field of education, the government must improve and prepare a better government system. Therefore, efforts are needed to be made, one of which is by increasing basic abilities in the mathematics. The lack of innovation in the process of learning mathematics makes students feel bored with the material provided. Therefore, students often get mathematics score below the graduate competency standards and even fail. Based on these facts, it is necessary to develop interactive multimedia learning innovations in mathematics by creating interactive multimedia using articulate storyline 3 in mathematics learning. So the research was conducted on the effectiveness of interactive multimedia using storyline articulation 3 using paired sample t-tests. This research was using 166 students of class X SMAN 4 Kotabumi. This study aims to see the efficiency of interactive multimedia articulating storyline 3 on understanding concepts and increasing students' academic scores in mathematics. Based on the results of the paired sample t-test, the p-value is 0.000, which is less than the 0.05 significance level. So it can be concluded that the application of multimedia articulate storyline 3 is efficient in increasing students' understanding of mathematical concepts and academic values.
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