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Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (GWPR) is one of the panel data regression approaches used in spatial data analysis. This study uses the global Fixed Effect Model (FEM) panel regression model and the local GWPR model to examine Life Expectancy Rate (LER) at the district/city level in South Sulawesi Province in 2019-2021. LER is an important indicator that reflects the health and welfare of the community. This research aims to develop a GWPR model that can explain variations in LER and identify factors that affect that variable, so that it can help stakeholders in allocating resources and designing effective intervention programs. Parameter estimation in the GWPR model is carried out in each observation area using the Weighted Least Square (WLS) method. The calculation of spatial weights in the GWPR model used weighting functions such as fixed bi-square, fixed gaussian, fixed exponential, adaptive bi-square, adaptive gaussian, and adaptive exponential. The results showed that the use of a fixed exponential weighting function gave optimal results with the lowest cross-validation (CV) value of 44,614. Parameter analysis of the GWPR model shows that the factors that affect LER are local and not the same in each district/city in South Sulawesi Province. Factors that have a significant influence include the number of health facilities and households that have access to proper sanitation. This GWPR model has a coefficient of determination of 97,7%. The FEM model has a coefficient of determination of 58,4%. Therefore, GWPR performs LER modelling more effectively than FEM.
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