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PT. BPD Kaltim Kaltara is one of the regional development banks that plays a crucial role in supporting regional economic development in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan. The company's total assets reflect significant financial stability and growth, making it an interesting topic to analyze in the context of strategic financial planning. The purpose of this study is to use the Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) approach to forecast PT. BPD Kaltim Kaltara's total assets. In the forecasting process, alpha 0,3, alpha 0,6, alpha 0,7, and alpha 0,8 are tested to determine the best value that gives the most accurate results. Based on the forecasting accuracy analysis, the SES method with alpha = 0,7 proved to be the most optimal in predicting the company's total assets, achieving MAE = 1454272,737, MSE = 4764920751283, and MAPE = 4,0433% (excellent forecasting ability). The forecasting results show an upward trend in assets, with total assets in September 2024 estimated to reach IDR 48.440.683,75. This method provides valuable guidance in thecompany's financial strategic planning, helping to anticipate future asset developments more precisely.These forecasting results also emphasize the importance of selecting the right parameters in the forecasting model to improve prediction accuracy.
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