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Climate change has a huge impact on the availability of water resources. Based on the case, this research is deemed necessary to do. Water availability is an essential issue related to climate change. The most perceived impacts due to climate change are climate anomalies; the rainy season lasts shorter with increasing intensity and the dry season lasts longer than usual conditions. The body of water cannot accommodate high-intensity rainwater, so it flows quickly into the sea. Relatively, a long dry season results in drought. The vulnerability of the availability of water sources in the Kalangkangan watershed, Tolitoli Regency was indicated through the reduction in river discharge. This changes in discharge had the potential to be difficult in meeting the needs of irrigation or clean water. If there is no attempt to protect and repair the water sources, it is believed that the reduction in discharge will continue until it hits a critical condition. The availability of water from the rain - discharge simulation model in the Kalangkangan watershed for wet conditions (Q20%) had a maximum discharge of 20.62 m³ / sec in June (decade II), and an average discharge of 13.59 m³ / sec. For normal conditions (Q50%) the maximum discharge was 19.47 m³ / sec in June (decade I), the minimum discharge was 5.35 m³ / sec in June (decade I) and the average discharge was 11.13 m³ / sec. For dry conditions (Q80%), the minimum discharge was 5.18 m³ / sec in May (decade I) and the average discharge was 9.05 m³ / sec