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the population. This s tudy aims to determine how large the extent of land-us e change that occurred in the Dis trict  of Palolo  within 13  years (2003-2016),   as well  as determine  the  potential  for lands lides  in  the Dis trict  of  Palolo  due  to  land -us e changes that  occur.  The  res earch location is in the Dis trict of Palolo, Sigi Regency. Res earch data included: LANDSAT   8  imagery,   RBI  Palolo  map,  DEM   s lope  data,  rainfall, geological type, s oil type, and population dens ity. The method of data collection is done by indirect obs ervation and calculation by Geographic Information  Sys tem (GIS)  analys is , as well as us ing the Qua ntum GIS (QGIS)   application   and  documentation  s tudy. The  method  of  data analys is is  done  us ing  image  interpretation  analys is , s caling,  coding, overlay  techniques , and des criptive analys is . The res ults  of the s tudy s how that  land-us e changes  that  occurred  in  2003  to  2016  covered

47,366.81   hectares  of the total area  of Palolo  Subdis trict, which  was

64,710.21  Ha or 73.2%.  Areas with moderate and high levels of potential

lands lide  dis as ters  are  more   prevalent  in  areas  that  experience   less intens ive land-us e change (IC). The area referred to can be s een from the A2-KI-B1  land unit covering 18,013,279   ha or 38.02%,  and the A3-KI- B1 land unit covering 10,491,693   ha or 22.15%  of the total area that has changed ie 47,366.81   ha. This s hows that the occurrence of lands lides in the Palolo s ub-dis trict was caus ed more by the weather (high rainfall)  in the Palolo s ub-dis trict.

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How to Cite
T, N., Budianta, A., & Alim Saputra, I. (2023). Land Use Change on Potential Landslide Vulnerability in Palolo Sub-district, Sigi Regency. Tadulako Science and Technology Journal , 4(1), 11-21.

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