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Palu city is an active earthquake region, mainly sourced from the activity of the Palu Koro Fault. Referring to the Mw7.4 Central of Sulawesi earthquake on September 28th, 2018 with ground shaking intensity reached VII-IX MMI level in Palu. As a supporting data and preparation of an earthquake contingency plan document in Palu City, we proposed 3 sources of earthquake scenarios in the Palu Koro fault at a depth of 11 km, namely Mw6.8 in the Palu City Segment with coordinates 119.830 E – 0.800 S, Mw 6.9 in the Saluki segment with coordinates 120.010 E - 1,250 S and Mw 7.1 in the Makassar Strait segment with coordinates 119.750 E – 0.380 S. The worst-case scenario is that the Mw6.8 earthquake in Palu City can reach VI-VIII MMI.
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