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Let  be a simple graph. An edge covering of  is a family of subgraphs  such that each edge of graph  belongs to at least one of the ,  subgraphs. If each  is isomorphic with the given graph , then it is said that contains a  covering. The graph G contains a covering  and   the bijectif function  is said an the magic labeling of a graph G if for each subgraph  of  is isomorphic to , so that is a constant. It is said that the graph G has a super magic if  in this case, the graph G which can be labeled with  magic is called the covering graph  magic. A star graph with n points is a graph with  points and  sides, where point is  degree and the other  point has degree  denoted by . This study aims to determine the presence of covering labeling for the super-magic star on the  star graph. The research methodology is literature study. The results show that the  star graph for   has   magic covering labeling with magic constants for all covering is  and the super-magic covering labeling with magic constants for all covering is .

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How to Cite
Mattiro, N., & Sudarsana, I. W. (2021). Pelabelan Selimut Bintang Ajaib Super Pada Graf Bintang. JURNAL ILMIAH MATEMATIKA DAN TERAPAN, 18(1), 95 - 109.