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Research on Cesium-137 Gamma Ray Irradiation on Collagen Extraction from Tilapia Fish Scales (Oreocharomis Niloticus). With the aim of knowing the functional groups of collagen before and after irradiation and knowing the effect of the dose on the functional groups of collagen. This study used the extraction method with the addition of acid (maceration). Then irradiate the extraction results with a Cesium-137 source, with a constant (x) distance of 100 cm with varying doses of 10 mGy, 30 mGy and 50 mGy. The sample used in this study was Tilapia fish scales. The results showed that prior to irradiation during the FT-IR test it produced several collagen functional groups, namely: amide A, amide I, amide II, and amide III. While the functional groups after irradiation were: amide A, amide I, and amide III at a dose of 50 mGy. Thus, radiation can cause changes in the structure and properties of collagen molecules and can trigger chemical reactions in functional groups.

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