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Research has been conducted the testof physical characterization biocharcoal briquettes,results of mixing charcoal and organic waste with adhesive ofsticky rice flour. This study is follow of previous study using the same material to determine the effect of variations in composition, which is then tested against moisture content, calor value, ash content and carbon content. In this study, the results of mixing biocharcoal briquettes are made in several form and then made ​​the ultimate testing(moisture content), compressive strength and density of each form of briquettes.  The application of boiling water to each form variation of briquettes using briquette stove. Based on the results of physical tests conducted, found that the cylindrical briquettes providing good quality, because it has a low moisture content of 4.87 %, high compressive strength 16.2 N/m2, high density 0.50 kg/cm3and  requiredthe time of boiling water 500 ml very quickly where the temperature of coal briquettes reaches 787.9 ° C , ash 76.05 grams and efficiency52.07 %.


charcoal organic waste bio charcoalbriquettes briquetteform physicaltest

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