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The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an indicator that is often used to measure the inflation rate in an area, or can be interpreted as a comparison between the prices of a commodity package from a group of goods or services consumed by households over a certain period time. The spread of COVID-19 throughout the world affects the economy in Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta. Forecasting CPI data during the COVID-19 pandemic has the benefit of being an illustration of data collection in the CPI of D.I Yogyakarta Province in the predicted period. This is useful as a comparison with the original data at the time of data collection and publication, as well as a consideration in making policies and improving the economy. Researchers use the Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) method to predict the CPI of Yogyakarta D.I Province, which aims to determine the best forecasting model and forecasting results. This method is rarely used in research on CPI data forecasting in Yogyakarta. The data in this study are monthly data from March 2020 to August 2021. The highest CPI in Yogyakarta occurred in August 2021 at 107.21 or 107.2, while the lowest CPI in Yogyakarta occurred in April 2020 at 105.15 or 105.2. The average CPI in Yogyakarta per month is 106.1. The Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) value obtained from the DES method is 0.1308443%, so that the accuracy of the model is 99.869%. Forecasting with the DES method is quite well used in forecasting the CPI data of Yogyakarta in September 2020 - November 2021. The results of CPI forecasting in Yogyakarta using the DES method were 107.2602, 107.3104, and 107.3606 from September-November.
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