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The incidence of skin disease in Indonesia is still relatively high and is a significant problem. This is evidenced by the 2010 Indonesian Health Profile data which shows that skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases are the third rank of the 10 most common diseases among outpatients in hospitals throughout Indonesia. Skin disease is growing, as evidenced by data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the prevalence of skin disease throughout Indonesia in 2012 was 8.46%, then increased in 2013 by 9 %. Palu City is an area that has a high skin disease problem. According to the 2016 BPS of Palu City, skin diseases are among the top 10 diseases in Palu City with a total of 11,363 sufferers. The method used in this research is binary logistic regression. Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the best model is formed as follows:. Based on the best model, it is found that the factors that influence the transmission of skin diseases after the Palu earthquake are genetic factors.
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