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The Human Development Index is a critical indicator of economic growth. Several factors, including average length of schooling (X1), expected length of schooling (X2), life expectancy at birth (X3), number of health workers (X4), number of health facilities (X5), spending per capita (X6), open unemployment rate (X7), number of poor people (X8), percentage of households with proper drinking water sources (X9), and GRDP growth rate (X10), can influence the Human Development Index. The purpose of this research was to simplify the factors that influence the human development index in Riau Province in 2021. Data analysis used R-Studio software by applying descriptive statistical analysis, Principal Component analysis, and Biplot analysis. The analysis revealed that the ten variables that influence human development index in Riau in 2021 can be divided into three categories: community service quality, health facilities, access, and economic conditions. These three factors can describe up to 80% of the diversity of the data.


Biplot Descriptive Statistics Human Development Index Principal Component Analysis

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How to Cite
Erda, G., Mega Aulia, S., & Erda, Z. (2023). Classifiying The Factors Influencing The Human Development Index in Riau Province using Principal Component Analysis. Parameter: Journal of Statistics, 2(3), 17-23.


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