Implementation of Etlingera Elatior for Unique Branding of Central Sulawesi Batik Motif

1-10 Ikram, Abdi, Nurul Mutmainna, Julia Khasmawati, Diana Wahyuli, I Wayan Sudarsana, Junaidi
Read Statistic: 188

Modeling of Poverty Level in Central Sulawesi Using Nonparametric Kernel Regression Analysis Approach

11-16 Nur Sakinah, Nurfitra, Nurmasyita Ihlasia, Lilies Handayani
Read Statistic: 153

Classifiying The Factors Influencing The Human Development Index in Riau Province using Principal Component Analysis

17-23 Gustriza Erda, Sartika Mega Aulia, Zulya Erda
Read Statistic: 235

Unpacking Outlier with Weight Least Square (Implemented on Pepper Plantations Data)

24-31 Rizka Pradita Prasetya
Read Statistic: 171

Analysis of The Effect of Life Expectancy (AHH) and Per Capita Expenditure on The Human Development Index (HDI) in Central Sulawesi Province in 2019

32-37 Nur Sakinah, Nurmasyita Ihlasia, Nurfitra, Marni Sagap, Rohis Rachman, Lilies Handayani
Read Statistic: 211