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Air is a mixture of gases found in the layer that surrounds the earth. The cokriging method is the development of the kriging method to estimate a variable that minimizes estimation errors by utilizing cross-correlation between several variables. This research was conducted using data from 45 coordinate locations for air monitoring by the Department of Environment and Forestry of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2017. The results showed that the best model for estimating sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide air pollution was the spherical model with the smallest Mean Square Error (MSE) value. which is 317,527. Interpolation of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide content values using cokringing resulted in 100,390 new points. The value of air pollution is in the range of 0-40, which according to ISPU means that at that point, good air quality has no impact on humans but causes a certain smell and injury to some plant species.

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How to Cite
Aulia Pramesti, A., Nur’eni, & Iman Setiawan. (2023). INTERPOLTION OF SULFUR DIOXIDE (SO2) AND NITROGEN DIOXIDE (NO2 ) IN YOGYAKARTA SPECIAL PROVINCE USING THE COKRIGING METHOD . Tadulako Science and Technology Journal , 4(1), 22-34.

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