Determination Of Liquefaction Sediment Volume In Balaroa VillageUsing The Geoelectric Resistance Type Method

1-9 Asgar, M. Rusydi, Rustan Efendi, Moh. Dahlan Th Musa , Badaruddin
Read Statistic: 44

Comparison of Nonparametric Regression Nadara - Watson Estimator Kernel Function And Local Polynomial Regression In Predicting USD Against IDR

10-16 Isni Rahma, Junaidi, Iman Setiawan
Read Statistic: 37

Grouping Districts / Cities in Central Sulawesi Province Based on Poverty Indicators Using the Fuzzy Geographically Weighted Clustering -Artificial Bee Colony Method

17-27 Nafiul Agristya, Rais, Iman Setiawan
Read Statistic: 27

Assessment of Regional Development Using the Unit Genetic Area (GSW) Method in the Mining Environment Area of Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province

28-33 Moh. Nur Rehan Pratama, Muslimin U. Botjing, Nurhikmah Supardi
Read Statistic: 33

Identification Of Liquefaction Slide Planes Using The Geoelectric Resistance Type Method In Balaroa Village

34-40 Muh Ikhsan Nurfaizi Saida, M Rusdy.H , Muin, M.R, Rustan Efendi, S. Sandra , Mauludin Kurniawan
Read Statistic: 40

Identification of Aquifer Layer Using Geoelectric Method in Oil Palm Plantation Area of PT Unggul Widya Teknologi Lestari Pasangkayu Regency

41-50 M. Raam, M. Rusydi, M. Rusli
Read Statistic: 17