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Introduction: Research has been conducted with the title "Identification of Liquefaction Sliding Fields Using the Type Resistance Geoelectric Method in Balaroa Village". This study aims to determine the subsurface constituent rock layers and the position of the sliding plane based on the type resistance data. Method: This study consists of 6 measurement tracks with a track length of 150 meters using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) method with the Schlumberger configuration. Data processing uses the software program Progress version 3.0 and ipi2win. Results and Discussion: The results obtained indicate the presence of subsurface constituent layers, namely: Passive clay, clay sand, and gravel, and the presence of an inclined plane of 25° to 55.5% with a steep slope. Conclusion: Based on data analysis and interpretation, it can be concluded that the rock lithology at the study site consists of passive clay, clay sand, and gravel, based on the value of specific resistance. The slope of the sliding plane layers that have the potential to trigger landslides and liquefaction at the site tends to be west-east with a slope angle of 25°, or 55.6%, which is included in the steep slope category


Skid Field Geoelectric Resistance Schlumberger configuration

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How to Cite
Muh Ikhsan Nurfaizi Saida, M Rusdy.H, Muin, M.R, Rustan Efendi, S. Sandra, & Mauludin Kurniawan. (2024). Identification Of Liquefaction Slide Planes Using The Geoelectric Resistance Type Method In Balaroa Village . Tadulako Science and Technology Journal , 2(2), 34-40.