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Introduction: Arshop is one of the clothing stores in Palu City that is in great demand by the community. As one of the many clothing stores in Palu City Arshop to find a strategy to increase sales. One way that can be used is to make predictions to determine strategies to increase sales. Method: Higher-order Chen fuzzy time series method to predict the time series data of Arshop Palu clothing sales. Chen's high-order fuzzy time series is a time series analysis that can capture varied data patterns, one of which is seasonal patterns, and is formed based on two or more data in the past. Results and Discussion: The results of this study indicate that the high-order Chen fuzzy time series method has an accuracy rate of MAPE 15.59%, which is categorized as good the prediction results of the comparison between various orders show that the fourth-order Chen fuzzy time series is the best for predicting clothing sales of Arshop Palu. Conclusion: The prediction of clothing sales at Arshop Palu using the higher-order Chen fuzzy time series method resulted in a MAPE of 15.59%, which shows good accuracy because it is less than 20%. Based on the comparison of the accuracy values of the four orders, the fourth-order FTS proved to be the most effective for predicting the clothing sales of Arshop Palu.


Sales Prediction High Order Chen Fuzzy Time Arshop Palu

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How to Cite
Marni Sagap, Nur’eni, & Iman Setiawan. (2024). Sales Prediction of Palu Arshop Clothing Using the High Order Chen Fuzzy Time Series Method. Tadulako Science and Technology Journal , 3(2), 37-48.