Journal Description

The Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Terapan is a peer-reviewed journal with e-ISSN 2540766X (online) and p-ISSN 18298133 (print) published by the Mathematics Study Program, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University. The Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Terapan publishes original research articles or literature reviews encompassing all areas of mathematics and its applications, along with aspects of teaching and learning, such as analysis, algebra, combinatorics, discrete mathematics, statistics, and data science. Articles submitted for publication in the Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Terapan must not have been previously published in other media or journals. The Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Terapan starting from 2024 (Volume 21, Issue 1) and onwards, all published articles will be entirely in English. The time it takes for a decision from the assignment of an article, through the review process, until it is declared ready for publication is typically a maximum of 24 weeks.

Important Announcement: Transition to English Language

Dear Authors & Readers, We are excited to announce that our journal will now be published exclusively in English. This transition is aimed at enhancing accessibility and expanding our global reach. We appreciate your continued support as we embark on this journey together.

Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024)

Published: Dec 16, 2024

Location Based Stunting Modeling Using Geographically Weighted Panel Regression in Blitar Regency

89 - 99 Henny Pramoedyo, Wigbertus Ngabu, Atiek Iriany
Read Statistic: 70

Biplot Analysis for Spatial Mapping of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Incidence in Indonesia

100 - 107 Fadjryani Abdul Gani, Cici Aisya, Ainanur, Dini Aprilia Afriza
Read Statistic: 45

Optimization of Agricultural Land with the Hungarian Algorithm Method (Case Study: Agricultural Land in Tuatuka Village, Kupang Regency)

108 116 Vera Selviana Adoe, Yitran Detia Senge, Marci Metkono, Yohanes Nae
Read Statistic: 33

Optimization of Overdispersion Modeling in Low Birth Weight Cases in Central Sulawesi Using Conway-Maxwell Poisson Regression

117 - 130 Nurul Fiskia Gamayanti, Nur'eni, Fadjryani, Dewi Puji Astuti
Read Statistic: 34

A GARCH Model for Forecasting Volatility of Oil and Gas Exports in Indonesia

Read Statistic: 45

Grouping of Regencies/Cities in Indonesia Based on National Health Insurance (JKN) Participants with the Ensemble ROCK Approach

144 - 160 Rahmania Azwarini, Morina A. Fathan, Tri Widiantoro
Read Statistic: 42

Determination of Motor Vehicle Insurance Risk Premium

161 - 169 Pramesti Melyna Mustofa, Hubbi Muhammad
Read Statistic: 57

Temperature Data Prediction in South Sulawesi Province Using Seasonal-Generalized Space Time Autoregressive (S-GSTAR) Model

170 - 181 Muhammad Edy Rizal, Morina A. Fathan, Nur Rezky Safitriani, Muhammad Zarkawi Yahya, Asfar
Read Statistic: 57

Comparison of Random Survival Forest and Fuzzy Random Survival Forest Models in Telecommunications Industry Customer Data

182 - 192 Sitti Nurhaliza, Andi Harismahyanti, Alimatun Najiha
Read Statistic: 31

Analysis of Predicting the Exchange Rate of the IDR Against the US Dollar Using the Fuzzy Time Series Methods of Chen and Cheng

193 - 199 Aden Aden, Fani Oktaviani
Read Statistic: 72
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