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The K-means method is a non-hierarchical belongs to an algorithmic technique for grouping items into K clusters by minimizing the SS sum of square (SS) distance to the centroid cluster. In the K-means method, the number of clusters can be determined by the researchers themselves. The K-means method can be applied to all fields, including education. In facing the 21st century, many students must equip themselves with many abilities, including critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity and innovation, referred to as 4C abilities. This study aims to apply the K-means method to classify students' 4C abilities. The population in this study were students of the English Language State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo class of 2017 and class of 2018. The sampling technique was carried out using the stratified random sampling method with a sample size of 71 divided into 30 students of the 2017 class and 41 students of the 2018 class. In identifying outliers, it is known that 16 students enter outlier detection not to be analyzed. The results of the classification using the K-means method showed that there were three groups with a composition of 20 students in the high group, 20 students in the medium group, and 15 students in the low group with an R2 value of 41.7%. Based on the test results of ANOVA, it is known that the three groups, based on their ability level, have differences. These results showed that each group formed had a noticeable difference, albeit with an R2 value that was not large.

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How to Cite
M Nurhidayati, & N Khasanah. (2021). Penggunaan Metode K-Means Cluster Untuk Mengklasifikasikan Kemampuan 4C Mahasiswa. JURNAL ILMIAH MATEMATIKA DAN TERAPAN, 18(2), 160 - 169.