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An edge-magic total (EMT) labeling on a graph G(V,E) with the vertex set V and the edge set E, where |V| = p and |E| = q, is a bijective function λ: V E {1, 2, 3, ..., p + q} with the property that for each edge (xy) of G, λ(x) + λ(xy) + λ(y) = k, for a fixed positive integer k. The labeling λ is called a super edge magic total (SEMT) if it has the property that for each vertex obtain the smallest label, (V) = {1, 2, ..., p}. A graph G(V,E) is called EMT (SEMT) if there exists an EMT (SEMT) labeling on G. Study on SEMT labeling for the union of stars and paths initiated by Figueroa-Centeno et al. [2] with graph form . Furthermore, an investigation will be conducted on SEMT labeling of double stars and path, that are 2 ; 2 ;    2  and 2 . We obtain that the graphs presented above are SEMT with the magic constants k = , , and , respectively


Double Stars EMT Path SEMT

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