Publisher is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in publication, following the publication ethics and ensuring the quality of articles. Therefore, all parties involved in publication (Authors, Editors, Reviewers and Publisher) must be obliged to follow and adhere to ethical publication behavior standards.


  • Editors have responsibility to evaluate submitted manuscript in detail related to academic merits (importance, originality, study`s validity, clarity) and scope.
  • Editors must view each submission objectively and unbiased manner regarding the race, religion, affiliation, citizenship, ethnic origin, etc.
  • Editors should ensure that the submission and review process of manuscript are in confidential manner and not disclosed the content of the manuscripts to anyone except to author, reviewer and publisher appropriately.
  • Editors must uphold the author`s trust to not misuse the any part of any data or work reported in submitted manuscript as his/her own.
  • Editors should ensure that the submitted manuscript is peer-reviewed by two reviewers who expert in the research field and have a full right on making a final decision of the manuscript whether accept or reject the manuscript.


  • Peer-review process is an important part in publication process because it assisted editors in making editorial decisions and through the editorial communications with the author may also assist the author in improving their manuscript. In addition, reviewers are asked generally to treat authors and their work objectively and balanced as they would like to be treated themselves and to observe good reviewing etiquette.
  • The submitted manuscript should be treated as confidential manuscript and should not be shared the review`s result or information with anyone or contact the authors directly without permission from editor.
  • Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and decline to participate in the review process.
  • Unpublished data or work disclosed in submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer`s own research. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer-review process must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantages.


  • Every author listed on the manuscript should have made a significant contribution to the reported manuscript. Author and/or co-author have to share responsibility and accountability of the content of the manuscript.
  • The data and methods must be sufficiently described in detail. If fabrication, manipulation and falsification of data is found in the manuscript, the manuscript will be rejected and could not be submitted again.
  • The submitted manuscript must be entirely an original works, if the work and/or words presence in the manuscript are from others, ensure that it has been cited or quoted appropriately and should be clearly attributed and referenced within the text and in the reference section. Plagiarism in all its forms such as claiming another’s paper as the author’s own, paraphrasing, copying without attribution, etc will not be accepted. If the figures or table presence on the manuscript are from previous publication, ensure that authors obtained the permission from the original publisher and rightsholder.
  • Multiple, redundant and or concurrent publication is unacceptable (The manuscript should not submit to others journal for publication).
  • If author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her manuscript, they have to promptly notify the editorial team and earnestly cooperate with editor in retrack or correct the manuscript.