Call for Papers Vol.1 No.1, June 2020


The TSSHJ) journal invites the submission of long as well as short papers on original, substantial, and unpublished research in all aspects of basic and applied research. TSSHJ submissions must describe unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, clear evaluation and analysis should be included within the submitted papers. Submissions will be judged on clarity, originality, replicability, correctness, meaningful comparison, and contributions to research resources. Each submission will be reviewed internally and externally. internally by at least one editorial board member, if the submission is found suitable then it will be sent for the external peer review process in which two reviewers will evaluate the research.

Long papers may consist of up to any number of pages of content; final versions should take into account reviewers' comments. Short papers can include: A small, focused contribution, Work in progress, A negative result, An opinion piece.